Svaroopa® Yoga: Profound Results from the Beginning
Begin at the end, reaping the most profound results from your very first experience of Svaroopa® yoga. Our poses and practices remove the blocks to your inherent health, joy and spirituality. Enjoy the multidimensional results promised by the ancient sages, delivered in our modern age.

Rajni (Chelsea) King is a certified Svaroopa® yoga teacher. She has been teaching & studying the Svaroopa® sciences under the guidance of her teacher, Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati, since 2002. She has over 750 hours of Svaroopa® yoga teacher training and many more hours in advanced trainings, including Deeper, Prenatal, Gentle, Yoga for Your Back, Embodyment® yoga therapy, Treating Pain and Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation. She is delighted to be able to share these amazing teachings with you in any way that suits your needs!

Prema Lynn Cattafi is a certified Svaroopa Vidya Meditation Teacher, and an authorized Meditation Group Leader. She has been studying for 14 years under the instruction of her teacher, Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati, a Meditation Master and Sannyasi Monk. Prema Lynn makes these ancient teachings and techniques very relevant and accessible to beginners and experienced meditators alike.
Lynn has been a resident of Rehoboth Beach with her husband Walter since 2001.
This class, even for experienced yogis, was an excellent way to help us understand what goes into developing a solid home practice, and to guiding us along the way. The accountability not only in class, but through the emails and phone calls, was instrumental to achieving the goal of incorporating many facets of yoga into a daily practice. I found experimenting with Ujjayi breathing, meditation, and different sequences of poses was so much easier to do within this class structure. Your patience, time, understanding, sense of humor and levity were a perfect blend for all class levels, but especially beginners. Thank you for your wonderful and personal guidance through this journey.
Elizabeth Rives speaking about the Yoga Starter Series
I would certainly recommend “Let the Healing Begin” starter series to others. As a beginner to yoga you taught the poses easily enough where I could practice them the rest of the week at home on my own. I didn’t think I could do it but I can and I feel so much better from taking this class.
I happened upon Rajni's (Chelsea King) Svaroopa Gentle Yoga class in Milton as I was going through chemotherapy last fall. I was hesitant to join a yoga class because I was used to a more strenuous type of hatha yoga and my energy was quite low. Svaroopa turned out to be perfect for me!
Rajni/Chelsea is a wonderful teacher. She has helped me greatly in class & in individual yoga therapy sessions. I truly believe Svaroopa Yoga was a big factor in helping me get through a difficult time in my life.
Mary Miller
I've been taking yoga with Chelsea for several years and know that it has improved my posture, greatly reduced my overall stiffness and generally made me feel much better physically. The calm and ease it brings to my mind are even more important benefits from having a Svaroopa yoga practice. Class time flies by and I always leave in a much better physical and mental state than when I arrived. Join us and see for yourself...
Margaret Keefe
I always feel great after your classes and my spine feels elongated. I have more energy and stamina. It has helped in reducing stress too. Classes are an oasis and provide peace of mind in an almost non-stop hectic lifestyle. Thank you.
Elizabeth Archer
I attribute my ability to stay active and on top of my arthritis pain to Svaroopa Yoga. When I began Svaroopa 18 years ago, I was nearing the end of a busy and stressful career as a theater teacher. For my personal health, I needed to find inner calm and peace. I feel I deal with life’s challenges much easier now than I did before Svaroopa. I look forward to the expertise and guidance of the Svaroopa teachers, but I also know that I can do the poses and meditations almost anywhere. What a gift!
Chris King
I have RA and Svaroopa Yoga has really helped me to find relief . Besides the stretch of my joints, the sense of calm I feel at the end of the sessions makes me feel like I can cope with this illness that has made my life miserable!